Well, I’m officially 27. This past weekend we went to Big Bear for my birthday. A lot of people have a big celebration for their 30th but I’ve always felt like my 27th year was going to be a big one for me. I think part of this probably has to do with the fact that my favorite hockey players number was 27 but that’s neither here nor there. I thought it would be fun to get away especially during the winter holidays.
We rented a huge 3,000 sq ft cabin in Big Bear equipped with game room, sauna and jacuzzi. We took the dogs and it was Albus’ first time in the snow! It was so cute to see them prancing around in the snow. Despite not having any heat or hot water the first day, it ended up being a great time with some of my best friends, just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company. It was a great reminder that no matter where you are or what the circumstances are, if you’re with the right people, you can have a great time. I felt so fortunate to be able to spend this time with them and I was so sad when it had to end but I look forward to more adventures like this in 2017.
One of my favorite parts of the weekend was when we went tubing. I wasn’t really sure how it would be and we really wanted to go snowboarding but the snow wasn’t great so we decided we would just go tubing instead. It ended up being so much fun. We would all hold each other’s legs and hands and go down together or go down by ourselves and the snow would smack you in the face and you would be spinning and it was funny and fun and we loved it. We came back to the cabin with red faces, tired, to a hot bowl of Albondigas and it was a great day.
Even with some weird experiences and no heat (or showers) for the first day, it still ended up being fun. I’m so blessed and grateful for the friendships I have and feel so lucky to get to spend time with people I genuinely enjoy. It was the perfect way to close our 26 and move into the next year.
Here’s looking forward to my 27th year, a year for big things!
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