Welcome back to Week 3 of the One Room Challenge (ORC)!
One Room Challenge
If you’re unfamiliar, the ORC is a six week challenge to transform a space in your home and we’re renovating our pool bathroom! If you missed the other posts, you can read them here:
Week 1 – The Plans
Week 2 – Demo & Painting
You are here: Week 3 – Ordering Products
In case you forgot, here’s a before shot of the pool bathroom:
And here’s our mood board for the direction we’re headed.
Pool Bathroom Design
Today we are officially halfway there! Cue deadline stress starting to settle ha ha! In all honesty, I planned on today’s post being completely different. Originally, we were going to do all the tile work last weekend but the tile won’t be ready for us to pick up until October 25th so we had to put that off.
A Setback
We planned on demo’ing the tile this past weekend just to get it ready to go as soon as the tile comes in but unfortunately, life got in the way in the form of my Mom having some health struggles.
I wondered about sharing that at first but in the end, I thought it was something important to share because life is not like a home improvement show where it goes from drab to beautiful in the span of 30 minutes. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes things come up. Obviously, my Mom is always going to be my priority over a renovation. With some extra hard work and a little schedule fiddling, we’ll still be able to finish the bathroom on time.
But even with all that going on, we did get a few things going this past week, most namely in ordering the rest of the products we need for the room! This includes floor and wall tile, mirror, sink and faucet, towel hook, shelf brackets, hand towels and a few accessories.
Ordering products for the pool bathroom
You can see some of our choices here:
Pool Bathroom Finishes & Fixtures
Hopefully all of these still work once everything comes in!
You might have noticed our floor color changed from a black to more of a white. This is because when we went to actually see our wall tile in person, it had a lot more blue notes in it than we were expecting and we thought the white looked better!
This coming weekend we will demo the floor and get everything prepared for tile. I’ll also make the shelves and the wood border so that they’re ready to go! As always, thanks for following along!
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