The Weekly Mince is a weekly collection of my favorite things around the web: product recommendations, recipes, workouts, restaurant reviews, etc.
Happy happy Friday! I’m pumped, per usual, because I love the weekend–freedom, puppies, cooking, hockey. it’s the life. Also I’m going golfing with my dad this weekend and he’s basically professional and I’m basically not… so there’s that. But should be a good time!
Anywho, my favorite things this week:
Do any of you have one of those blow up couches? At first I thought they were kinda silly, then I got one as a gift with purchase and I love it! Just goes to show ya–you can’t judge something at first sight!
GoPro Hero 4 Black
I recently upgraded from a GoPro Hero 3+ Black to the GoPro Hero 4 Black and so far I’m loving it (I chose not to get the Hero 5 because I have a Drone that it is not compatible with). The colors are so crisp! and I love the different shutter speeds. Can’t wait to do some nighttime light painting.
I’m really trying to focus on my mobility! Flexibility and range of motion is such an important aspect of health especially for us 9-5 desk warriors. This video shows a lot of good mobility exercises.
Links Around the Web
I’m so intrigued by Tiny Homes. I don’t think I could ever live in one but I still think they’re beautiful and interesting. What’s it like to live in one full time?! I’m so curious.
A Guide to Greens. Good for those who don’t always know how to incorporate greens into their diet!
Because I always need to know how to make salads better and more filling.
I constantly have to remind myself of this. A great reminder of how continuous improvement can add up to significant changes.
This Avocado Chimichurri looks delicious!
Always looking for quick weeknight meals.
*Some of the above links may be affiliate links which means you’re helping to keep the lights on at Mince HQ! As always, all opinions of awesome products and services are my own.
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